Our long term friends/partners at Shalini Misra contacted us requiring our help to showcase their latest completed property restoration, we were tasked to produce a high end lifestyle video for a luxury property on Fairfax Road, London, the idea was to give an insight to how the property would feel/act like for a potential buyer before they visited the house in person.
By working closely with numerous Property Developers, Estate Agents and Holiday Cottage providers we have an enviable reputation as specialists in the production of high quality property videos. Our cutting-edge drones and mast-mounted camera systems will showcase every property from the best angles, capturing the views that will sell your property.
Whether it is a coastal/waterside property, luxury country estate or a working agricultural farmhouse our stunning video productions will show your properties in the best light. Plus, you can introduce your property buyers to the surroundings with our area guides, tailor-made to show the local towns, villages, countryside and beaches. We showcase more than just the bricks and mortar, we will portray the characteristics of each property along with the lifestyle that partners the unique house.
Contact us if your in need of a stunning property video for your brand/business/property.