The time has come once again to crown the English National champions of surfing. We had a great as always filming the entire event from first wave to last podium finish and everything in between. Being the official media partners to Surfing England we are honoured to cover the events up and down the coast all year round.
Due to the tough challenge of filming on the beach and in the water amongst the waves, we have a fairly uncommon way of filming and editing in comparison to other projects we work on. But this gives us great inspiration to try something new within the edit at each event, these include unique drone angles, in air hyper lapses, sound design and epic transitions from the land to the water.
With events like these our drones can truly capture shots that just wouldn’t be possible otherwise, with intense shots capturing the action from up close.
We utilise DJI Drones for our aerial footage and find it adds a great perspective to our content and views that people don’t normally get to see. Four our ground shots we use Panasonic GH5’s on tripods, Sliders and Steady Cams.
We’ve been up and down the country covering countless types of events, everything from Surf Competitions, Sports Car Functions and Music Festivals. Having spent so much time capturing unique events we’ve established a great feel for exactly what works and what is needed to produce a stunning events film to serve your exact needs. Sounds great right? Contact us if you’d like stunning event coverage of your own.